Case Studies in Construction Materials, Volume (21), No (2024), Year (2024-12)

Title : ( Bond-slip relationship between deformed rebar and ultra-high-performance concrete with corrosion effect )

Authors: Samaneh Khaksefidi , Mansour Ghalehnovi , Hosseinali Rahdar ,

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Knowledge of the nonlinear behavior of new materials, the factors affecting them, and models for the inelastic analysis of structures are important. A factor determining the tensile behavior of reinforced concrete is the rebar-concrete bond. Moreover, the corrosion of rebars embedded in concrete highly affects bond behavior. This research proposes a model for the bond-slip relationship of corroded rebars in ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) via an experimental scheme. Accordingly, 80 cubic reinforced concrete specimens with different rebar types, diameters, and bond lengths were prepared based on RILEM RC6 and subjected to pull-out tests after the accelerated corrosion of some of the rebars to various degrees. The results were reported as bond-slip curves and failure modes, and suitable models were proposed for the pull-out mode bond-slip curve with corrosion taken into account. The proposed models were in good agreement with empirical results and previous research.


, Ultra-high-performance concrete, Corrosion, Bond Slip Relationship
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {سمانه خاکسفیدی and Ghalehnovi, Mansour and حسین علی رهدار},
title = {Bond-slip relationship between deformed rebar and ultra-high-performance concrete with corrosion effect},
journal = {Case Studies in Construction Materials},
year = {2024},
volume = {21},
number = {2024},
month = {December},
issn = {2214-5095},
keywords = {Ultra-high-performance concrete; Corrosion; Bond Slip Relationship},


%0 Journal Article
%T Bond-slip relationship between deformed rebar and ultra-high-performance concrete with corrosion effect
%A سمانه خاکسفیدی
%A Ghalehnovi, Mansour
%A حسین علی رهدار
%J Case Studies in Construction Materials
%@ 2214-5095
%D 2024
