Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation, ( ISI ), Year (2024-10)

Title : ( Repair alert model when the lifetimes are discretely distributed )

Authors: Mohammad Atlehkhani , Mahdi Doostparast ,

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‎This paper deals with the repair alert models‎. ‎They are used for analyzing lifetime data coming from engineering devices under maintenance management‎. ‎Repair alert models have been proposed and investigated for continuous component lifetimes‎. ‎Existing studies are concerned with the lifetimes of items described by continuous distributions‎. ‎However‎, ‎discrete lifetimes are also frequently encountered in practice‎. ‎Examples include operating a piece of equipment in cycles‎, ‎reporting field failures that are gathered weekly‎, ‎and the number of pages printed by a device completed before failure‎. ‎Here‎, ‎the repair alert models are developed when device lifetimes are discrete‎. ‎A wide class of discrete distributions‎, ‎called the telescopic family, ‎is considered for the component lifetimes‎, ‎and the proposed repair alert model is explained in detail‎. ‎Furthermore‎, ‎the problem of estimating parameters is investigated and illustrated by analyzing a real data set.


, ‎Discrete distribution‎, ‎Estimation‎, ‎Maximum likelihood Estimation‎, ‎Random sign censoring‎, ‎Repair alert model‎, ‎Geometric distribution
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author = {محمد آتله خانی and Doostparast, Mahdi},
title = {Repair alert model when the lifetimes are discretely distributed},
journal = {Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation},
year = {2024},
month = {October},
issn = {0361-0918},
keywords = {‎Discrete distribution‎; ‎Estimation‎; ‎Maximum likelihood Estimation‎; ‎Random sign censoring‎; ‎Repair alert model‎; ‎Geometric distribution},


%0 Journal Article
%T Repair alert model when the lifetimes are discretely distributed
%A محمد آتله خانی
%A Doostparast, Mahdi
%J Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation
%@ 0361-0918
%D 2024
