Child Indicators Research, Volume (18), No (1), Year (2025-2) , Pages (93-114)

Title : ( A Paradigm Shift to CA in Spatial Indicators of Children’s Environment: an Investigation of Children’s Participation in Design and Relation to SCI: Case of CFC of BAM, 2005–2020 )

Authors: Hamed Kamelnia ,

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Aims: This research is a about relation of SCI factors and children s design priorities during 15 years in Child-Friendly City project of BAM. The main research question is: whether design priorities in children s Participatory Design projects, change over time. Methods: In this research, PAR method is used in which the researcher is a part of the research process qualitative research methods with correlation analysis are used. Research tools such as: questionnaires, focused group, puzzle, Spatial Matrix, Model have been used during the research. Results: The results show that the rate of studentse ...


, Participatory design, SCI, Child-friendly City, School design, Children participation, BAM.
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Kamelnia, Hamed},
title = {A Paradigm Shift to CA in Spatial Indicators of Children’s Environment: an Investigation of Children’s Participation in Design and Relation to SCI: Case of CFC of BAM, 2005–2020},
journal = {Child Indicators Research},
year = {2025},
volume = {18},
number = {1},
month = {February},
issn = {1874-897X},
pages = {93--114},
numpages = {21},
keywords = {Participatory design; SCI; Child-friendly City; School design; Children participation; BAM.},


%0 Journal Article
%T A Paradigm Shift to CA in Spatial Indicators of Children’s Environment: an Investigation of Children’s Participation in Design and Relation to SCI: Case of CFC of BAM, 2005–2020
%A Kamelnia, Hamed
%J Child Indicators Research
%@ 1874-897X
%D 2025
