Spektrum Iran, Volume (37), No (1), Year (2024-10) , Pages (115-128)

Title : ( Religious resources for conviviality: a cultural and dimensional perspective )

Authors: Rasool Akbari , Mahdi Hasanzadeh ,

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The present article pursues two primary objectives. Firstly, it aims to review the existing literature and conceptualize an approach to understanding the dynamics of religion and peacebuilding from a religious studies perspective. This involves exploring essentialist and functionalist views, integrating sociocultural theories, and employing Ninian Smart’s dimensional model of religion to provide a comprehensive framework for analysis. By doing so, the article emphasizes the significance of studying peacebuilding through its association with religion not merely as a static set of beliefs but as a dynamic cultural system deeply embedded in social practices and interactions. Secondly, the article seeks to analyze how religion serves as a resource for promoting conviviality, which encompasses mutual respect, cooperation, and peaceful coexistence within diverse communities. Using Smart’s dimensional model, the study examines specific dimensions of religion, i.e. doctrinal, ritual, mythic, experiential, ethical, social, and material, and demonstrates how these aspects contribute to fostering a culture of peace and cooperation. This dual approach not only enriches the theoretical understanding of religion’s role in peacebuilding but also provides practical insights into leveraging religious resources for enhancing social harmony and resilience


, religion, cultural resources, conviviality, peacebuilding
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author = {Akbari, Rasool and Hasanzadeh, Mahdi},
title = {Religious resources for conviviality: a cultural and dimensional perspective},
journal = {Spektrum Iran},
year = {2024},
volume = {37},
number = {1},
month = {October},
issn = {0934-358X},
pages = {115--128},
numpages = {13},
keywords = {religion; cultural resources; conviviality; peacebuilding},


%0 Journal Article
%T Religious resources for conviviality: a cultural and dimensional perspective
%A Akbari, Rasool
%A Hasanzadeh, Mahdi
%J Spektrum Iran
%@ 0934-358X
%D 2024
