Mathematica Slovaka, ( ISI ), Volume (75), No (1), Year (2025-2) , Pages (189-204)

Title : ( Comparison of topologies on fundamental groups with subgroup topology viewpoint )

Authors: Naghme Shahami , Behrooz Mashayekhy Fard ,

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Abstract. In order to make the fundamental group, one of the most well known invariants in algebraic topology, more useful and powerful some researchers have been introduced and studied various topologies on the fundamental group from the beginning of the 21st century onwards. In this paper by reviewing these topologies, using the concept of subgroup topology, we are going to compare these topologies in order to present some results on topologized fundamental groups.


, Fundamental group, subgroup topology, compact-open topology, Spanier topology, whisker topology, lasso topology, covering subgroup, semicovering, generalized covering.
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author = {Shahami, Naghme and Mashayekhy Fard, Behrooz},
title = {Comparison of topologies on fundamental groups with subgroup topology viewpoint},
journal = {Mathematica Slovaka},
year = {2025},
volume = {75},
number = {1},
month = {February},
issn = {0139-9918},
pages = {189--204},
numpages = {15},
keywords = {Fundamental group; subgroup topology; compact-open topology; Spanier topology; whisker topology; lasso topology; covering subgroup; semicovering; generalized covering.},


%0 Journal Article
%T Comparison of topologies on fundamental groups with subgroup topology viewpoint
%A Shahami, Naghme
%A Mashayekhy Fard, Behrooz
%J Mathematica Slovaka
%@ 0139-9918
%D 2025
