Simulation, Year (2025-2)

Title : ( Energy and environmental simulation of employing a novel automated building-integrated system )

Authors: Mohammad Mahdi Naserian , Rasool Khodabakhshian kargar , Hamid Mohammadinezhad ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


About 40% of the world’s total energy consumption is related to buildings. Urban buildings need sustainable energy solutions to overcome this issue. This research aims to evaluate the performance of a novel building-integrated small-scale vertical green system that combines the buildings and the agri-food sectors, two significant energy-consuming sectors, to decrease total energy consumption and environmental hazards. The novelty of the manuscript lies in the proposal and exploration of an experimentally verified simulation model to assess the effects of using such building-integrated agricultural systems on societal energy consumption and environmental impact. For this purpose, a novel experimentally verified simulation of the system was conducted using DesignBuilder building simulation software. The results were analyzed to determine the changes in total energy consumption and annual CO2 production values from a societal perspective. Moreover, the results were compared with the total outcomes of a separate building and a standard greenhouse under the same product and conditions. The findings indicated that the total energy consumption and CO2 production reductions due to the use of the proposed novel system were 28.54% and 31.20%, respectively.


, Building, energy, vertical green system, simulation, CO2 production
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author = {Naserian, Mohammad Mahdi and Khodabakhshian Kargar, Rasool and Mohammadinezhad, Hamid},
title = {Energy and environmental simulation of employing a novel automated building-integrated system},
journal = {Simulation},
year = {2025},
month = {February},
issn = {0037-5497},
keywords = {Building; energy; vertical green system; simulation; CO2 production},


%0 Journal Article
%T Energy and environmental simulation of employing a novel automated building-integrated system
%A Naserian, Mohammad Mahdi
%A Khodabakhshian Kargar, Rasool
%A Mohammadinezhad, Hamid
%J Simulation
%@ 0037-5497
%D 2025
