Food and Bioproducts Processing, ( ISI ), Volume (89), No (4), Year (2011-10) , Pages (362-366)

Title : ( Prediction of moisture content in pre-osmosed and ultrasounded dried banana using genetic algorithm and neural network )

Authors: Mohebbat Mohebbi , Fakhri Shahidi , Milad Fathi , Ahmad Ehtiati , mohammad noshad ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Abstract In this study, application of a versatile approach for estimation moisture content of dried banana using neural network and genetic algorithm has been presented. The banana samples were dehydrated using two non-thermal processes namely osmotic and ultrasound pretreatments, at different solution concentrations and dehydration times and were then subjected to air drying at 60 and 80 °C for 4, 5 and 6 h. The processing conditions were considered as inputs of neural network to predict final moisture content of banana. Network structure and learning parameters were optimized using genetic algorithm. It was found that the designed networks containing 7 and 10 neurons in first and second hidden layers, respectively, give the best fitting to experimental data. This configuration could predict moisture content of dried banana with correlation coefficient of 0.94. In addition, sensitivity analysis showed that the two most sensitive input variables towards such prediction were drying time and temperature.


Banana; Genetic algorithm; Moisture content; Osmotic dehydration; Neural network; Ultrasound