Title : Sheep production in hot and arid zones

Parviz Rezvani Moghaddam (نویسنده اصلی), R.C. Malik(نویسنده اصلی) , M.A. Razzaque(نویسنده اصلی) , A.Y. Al-Nasser(نویسنده اصلی) ,
Book type: تدوین و گردآوری
Publish No: اول
Publish Date: 2000-11-21
Publisher: Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research

he book contains sections on breeding, nutrition, reproduction, physiology and growth, health and production systems. Each section contains review papers by foreign scientists, who have, in general, made considerable efforts to review information relevant

Hot, Arid Zones, sheep , meat production,, Hot, Arid Zones, sheep , meat production,