Title : The Land Of Parsa: The First Persian Homeland ( The Persian Empire birthplace history

Mohamad Taghi Imanpour (نویسنده اصلی),
Book type: تالیف
Publish No: اول
Publish Date: 2012-08-11
Publisher: LAP Lambert

Geography can offer a significant contribution to the history of a region. In this context the geographical situation and strategic position of Parsa, modern Fars in south-west Iran from where two Great ancient Persian Empires, Achaemenids and Sassanids raised, seems to have had the principal role in the historical development of Ancient Persia.

Persian Empire. Achaemenid, Parsa, Pasargadae, Persepolis, Amshan, Elam, Aryan, Persian Empire. Achaemenid, Parsa, Pasargadae, Persepolis, Amshan, Elam, Aryan