Title : Powering the Internet of Things With 5G Networks

Seyed Amin Hosseini Seno (نویسنده اصلی), Fatemeh Banaie Heravan (نویسنده اصلی),
Book type: تصنیف
Publish No: اول
Publish Date: 2017-08-04
Publisher: IGI Global

With the advancement of wireless sensor networks (WSN) and the increasing use of sensors in various industrial, environmental and commercial fields, it is difficult to store and process the volume of generated data on local platforms. Cloud computing provides scalable resources to perform analysis of online as well as offline data streams generated by sensor networks. This can help to overcome the weakness of WSN in combining and analyzing heterogeneous and large numbers of sensory data. This chapter presents a comprehensive survey on state-of-the-art results in the context of cloud –enabled large-scale sensor networks. The chapter also discusses the objectives, architecture and design issues of the generic sensor-cloud platform

wsn, virtual sensor, sensor cloud, IoT, wsn, virtual sensor, sensor cloud, IoT