Applied Mathematics and Computation, ( ISI ), Year (2007-6)

Title : Solving linear integral equations of the second kind with repeated modified trapezoid quadrature method ( Solving linear integral equations of the second kind with repeated modified trapezoid quadrature method )

Authors: Jafar Saberi- Nadjafi , Mahdi Heidari ,

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Abstract One of the methods for solving definite integrals is modified trapezoid method, which is obtained by using Hermit interpolation [J. Stoer, R. Bulirsch, Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Second Edition, Springer-Verlag, 1993]. In this article we intend to make a quadrature method for solving the linear integral equations such as repeated trapezoid and repeated Simpson quadrature by using repeated modified trapezoid formula and by doing so, we solve the linear integral equations more accurately. For further information on quadrature methods see [L.M. Delves, J.L. Mohamed, Computational Methods for Integral Equations, Cambridge University Press, 1985] and [L.M. Delves, J. Walsh, Numerical Solution of Integral Equations, Oxford University Press, 1974].

Abstract One of the methods for solving definite integrals is modified trapezoid method, which is obtained by using Hermit interpolation [J. Stoer, R. Bulirsch, Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Second Edition, Springer-Verlag, 1993]. In this article we intend to make a quadrature method for solving the linear integral equations such as repeated trapezoid and repeated Simpson quadrature by using repeated modified trapezoid formula and by doing so, we solve the linear integral equations more accurately. For further information on quadrature methods see [L.M. Delves, J.L. Mohamed, Computational Methods for Integral Equations, Cambridge University Press, 1985] and [L.M. Delves, J. Walsh, Numerical Solution of Integral Equations, Oxford University Press, 1974].


Keywords: Linear integral equation; Repeated modified trapezoid; Quadrature; Volterra integral equation; Fredholm integral equation
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Saberi- Nadjafi, Jafar and Heidari, Mahdi},
title = {Solving linear integral equations of the second kind with repeated modified trapezoid quadrature method},
journal = {Applied Mathematics and Computation},
year = {2007},
month = {June},
issn = {0096-3003},
keywords = {Keywords: Linear integral equation; Repeated modified trapezoid; Quadrature; Volterra integral equation; Fredholm integral equation},


%0 Journal Article
%T Solving linear integral equations of the second kind with repeated modified trapezoid quadrature method
%A Saberi- Nadjafi, Jafar
%A Heidari, Mahdi
%J Applied Mathematics and Computation
%@ 0096-3003
%D 2007
