III European conference on computatonal mechanics solids , 2006-06-05

Title : Structural optimization using optimizer program ( Structural optimization using optimizer program )

Authors: Mohammad Hossein Abolbashari , - - , Mohammad Reza Mahpeykar ,

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OPTIMIZER is a user-friendly design optimization study tool that helps users to optimize almost any optimization problems. There are several optimization algorithms in OPTIMIZER program such as Genetic Algorithm (GA), Constraint Steepest Descent (CSD) and Constraint Quasi-Newton (SQP). The OPTIMIZER can only solve problems that have an explicit mathematical expression both for cost function and constraints. To extend the OPTIMIZER capability for other applications, it is linked with an analysis software like ANSYS. In this paper, several structural optimization problems are solved using OPTIMIZER and the results are compared with other reported solutions. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the above-mentioned methods for the selected problems is presented.


, Optimization program, Optimizer, Structural optimization.
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author = {Abolbashari, Mohammad Hossein and -, - and Mahpeykar, Mohammad Reza},
title = {Structural optimization using optimizer program},
booktitle = {III European conference on computatonal mechanics solids},
year = {2006},
location = {Lisbon},
keywords = {Optimization program; Optimizer; Structural optimization.},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Structural optimization using optimizer program
%A Abolbashari, Mohammad Hossein
%A -, -
%A Mahpeykar, Mohammad Reza
%J III European conference on computatonal mechanics solids
%D 2006
