Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transaction A: Science, ( ISI ), Year (2006-1)

Title : ( The occurrence and origin of atoll garnet in hornblende schists from the contact aureole of the Mashhad granite )

Authors: Seyed Massoud Homam ,

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The formation of atoll garnet in hornblende schists from the contact aureole of Mashhad granite, NE Iran, is discussed using the textural and chemical data. These data suggest the possibility of incipient of pre-existing idioblastic garnet replacement from the core. In addition, the presence of chlorite and calcite in the core of atoll garnet reveal the retrograde nature of atoll formation.

The formation of atoll garnet in hornblende schists from the contact aureole of Mashhad granite, NE Iran, is discussed using the textural and chemical data. These data suggest the possibility of incipient of pre-existing idioblastic garnet replacement from the core. In addition, the presence of chlorite and calcite in the core of atoll garnet reveal the retrograde nature of atoll formation.


, atoll garnet, hornblende schists , contact aureole
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Homam, Seyed Massoud},
title = {The occurrence and origin of atoll garnet in hornblende schists from the contact aureole of the Mashhad granite},
journal = {Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transaction A: Science},
year = {2006},
month = {January},
issn = {1028-6276},
keywords = {atoll garnet; hornblende schists ; contact aureole},


%0 Journal Article
%T The occurrence and origin of atoll garnet in hornblende schists from the contact aureole of the Mashhad granite
%A Homam, Seyed Massoud
%J Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transaction A: Science
%@ 1028-6276
%D 2006
