PIERS_2008 , 2008-03-24

Title : ( Design of Three-layer Circular Mushroom-like EBG Structures )

Authors: Seyed Mahdi Moghadasi , Amir Reza Attari , Mir Mojtaba Mirsalehi ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


In this paper two types of three-layer mushroom-like electromagnetic band-gap (EBG) surfaces with circular patches are investigated. One of them consists of a square array of circular patches and the other one consists of a triangular array of circular patches in upper and lower layers. Guidelines for designing a ground plane for low pro¯le antenna applications are presented using the re°ection phase characteristics. The e®ect of some parameters of the three-layer structures on the re°ection phase characteristic is studied. The frequency band in which a wire antenna adjacent to the three-layer EBG surface has good matching is determined by investigating the reflection phase characteristics of the EBG ground plane.


, EBG, reflection phase
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author = {Moghadasi, Seyed Mahdi and Attari, Amir Reza and Mirsalehi, Mir Mojtaba},
title = {Design of Three-layer Circular Mushroom-like EBG Structures},
booktitle = {PIERS_2008},
year = {2008},
keywords = {EBG; reflection phase},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Design of Three-layer Circular Mushroom-like EBG Structures
%A Moghadasi, Seyed Mahdi
%A Attari, Amir Reza
%A Mirsalehi, Mir Mojtaba
%J PIERS_2008
%D 2008
