Research Journal of Biological Sciences, ( ISI ), Volume (6), No (2), Year (2007-8) , Pages (220-222)

Title : ( The effect of treated corn silage using urea and formaldehyde on rumen ecosystem and blood metabolism in sheep )

Authors: A.Taghizadeh , M.Hatami , G.A. Moghadam , Abdol Mansour Tahmasbi , H. Janmohamadi , N.Pirani , R.Noori ,

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The effect of chemical treated corn silage( using urea and formaldehyde) on rumen ecosystem (pH, sedimentation and floatation, methylene blue reduction, total VFA, rumen ammonia) and blood metabolits (urea and glucose) in sheep were investigated. SWixteen sheep (41.85 kg) were used in a 4 treatment completley readomly design. The treatment contented: corn silage (CS), corn silage treated with urea(10 g kg-1)(CSU), corn silage treated formaldehyde (4 g kg-1) (CSF) , corn silage treated urea (10 g kg-1) and formaldehye (4 g kg-1) (CSFU). The ruminal pH had significant differenes between treatment (p<0.05). The sedementation and floatation time, methylene blue reduction, total VFA showed no significant differences between treatments. The ruminal ammonia nitrogen in CUS was significantly more than the other treatments. The blood urea nitrogen in CSU and CSFU was more than the other treatments (p<0.05).


, corn silage, urea, formaldehyde , rumen, sheep, ruminal amonia
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {A.Taghizadeh and M.Hatami and G.A. Moghadam and Tahmasbi, Abdol Mansour and H. Janmohamadi and N.Pirani and R.Noori},
title = {The effect of treated corn silage using urea and formaldehyde on rumen ecosystem and blood metabolism in sheep},
journal = {Research Journal of Biological Sciences},
year = {2007},
volume = {6},
number = {2},
month = {August},
issn = {1815-8846},
pages = {220--222},
numpages = {2},
keywords = {corn silage; urea; formaldehyde ;rumen; sheep; ruminal amonia},


%0 Journal Article
%T The effect of treated corn silage using urea and formaldehyde on rumen ecosystem and blood metabolism in sheep
%A A.Taghizadeh
%A M.Hatami
%A G.A. Moghadam
%A Tahmasbi, Abdol Mansour
%A H. Janmohamadi
%A N.Pirani
%A R.Noori
%J Research Journal of Biological Sciences
%@ 1815-8846
%D 2007
