Communications in Algebra, ( ISI ), Volume (36), No (2), Year (2008-1) , Pages (665-669)

Title : ( On the Local Cohomology of Matlis Reflexive Modules )

Authors: Kazem Khashyarmanesh , Fahimeh Khoshahang Ghasr ,

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Let R be a commutative Noetherian complete local ring, I an ideal of R, and M, N Matlis reflexive R-modules such that Supp N ⊆ V I . In this note, among other things, we show that Exti R N Hj I M is Matlis reflexive for all i and j when one of the following conditions holds: (a) dim R/I = 1; (b) I is a principal ideal; (c) dim R ≤ 2.


Bass numbers; Local cohomology modules; Matlis duality functor;
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author = {Khashyarmanesh, Kazem and Khoshahang Ghasr, Fahimeh},
title = {On the Local Cohomology of Matlis Reflexive Modules},
journal = {Communications in Algebra},
year = {2008},
volume = {36},
number = {2},
month = {January},
issn = {0092-7872},
pages = {665--669},
numpages = {4},
keywords = {Bass numbers; Local cohomology modules; Matlis duality functor;},


%0 Journal Article
%T On the Local Cohomology of Matlis Reflexive Modules
%A Khashyarmanesh, Kazem
%A Khoshahang Ghasr, Fahimeh
%J Communications in Algebra
%@ 0092-7872
%D 2008
