Second International Symposium on Shallow Flows , 2008-12-10

Title : ( Dimensionless studies of 2D stationary shocks in an open channel flow )

Authors: Abbas Ali Ghezelsofloo , Mohammad Reza Jaefarzadeh ,

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ABSTRACT: In this article, the behavior of fully developed stationary shocks, caused by the incidence of a supercritical flow with a cross-barrier in an open channel, is simulated. Due to abrupt changes in flow depth and velocity as well as some variability of flow regime to sub and supercritical, the conventional numerical methods are not able to capture the produced discontinuities and shocks. The numerical solution of non-linear governing shallow flow equations have been implemented by the application of a second–order Roe–TVD scheme which is known as shock capturing scheme. The obtained results from numerical experiment compared with some measured in a laboratorial setup. Next the numerical model has been calibrated by adding a virtual roughness to represent some turbulence of supercritical flow at downstream of cross-barrier with difference length of 12 and 16 cm. The positions of consequence shocks reflection are simulated versus percent of partial opening in adjacent of barrier. Finally some outcomes such as maximum flow depth in produced shocks and reflection positions have been studied in the dimensionless form.


, Shock capturing, Shallow flows, Stationary shocks
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author = {Ghezelsofloo, Abbas Ali and Jaefarzadeh, Mohammad Reza},
title = {Dimensionless studies of 2D stationary shocks in an open channel flow},
booktitle = {Second International Symposium on Shallow Flows},
year = {2008},
keywords = {Shock capturing; Shallow flows; Stationary shocks},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Dimensionless studies of 2D stationary shocks in an open channel flow
%A Ghezelsofloo, Abbas Ali
%A Jaefarzadeh, Mohammad Reza
%J Second International Symposium on Shallow Flows
%D 2008
