Ecological Modelling , ( ISI ), Volume (180), Year (2004-6) , Pages (277-290)

Title : ( Photothermal impact on maize performance: a simulation approach )

Authors: Mohammad Bannayan Aval ,

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Crop simulation models can be robust tools to help develop an understanding of a plant’s response to a given set of weather and soil conditions and the interaction with various crop management scenarios. This study was conducted to simulate controlled-environment conditions using the CERES-Maize model to obtain a quantitative understanding of different maize cultivar responses to a range of temperature and photoperiod combinations. Nine-day length treatments ranging from 8 h to 16 h, together with minimum temperature (Tmin) treatments ranging from 5 ◦C to 35◦C and maximum temperature (Tmax) treatments ranging from 15 ◦C to 45◦C, were applied to nine maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars. Increasing Tmax up to 35 ◦C at any given Tmin enhanced biomass production for all cultivars; a further increase of Tmax above 35 ◦C had a negative impact on biomass. Increasing temperature also accelerated developmental rates for both anthesis and maturity. An identical mean temperature obtained from various Tmin or Tmax combinations resulted in a different crop performance, indicating specific responses to either high or low values of Tmin or Tmax. The highest potential yield levels were found at rather low temperature combinations of a Tmax of 20 ◦C and a Tmin of 10 ◦C; yield varied from 10.2 t ha−1 to 23.2 t ha−1 for these conditions, mainly caused by extremely long growing seasons. Photoperiod showed no effect across all treatments, due to a low sensitivity to changes in day length for the cultivars used in this study. It can be concluded that crop simulation models can help provide an understanding of weather and crop interactions for a complex environment that are rather difficult to conduct under controlled-environment conditions and are resource intensive.


, Temperature; Photoperiod; Growth; Development; Climate change; Climate variability; CERES, Maize
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author = {Bannayan Aval, Mohammad},
title = {Photothermal impact on maize performance: a simulation approach},
journal = {Ecological Modelling },
year = {2004},
volume = {180},
month = {June},
issn = {0304-3800},
pages = {277--290},
numpages = {13},
keywords = {Temperature; Photoperiod; Growth; Development; Climate change; Climate variability; CERES-Maize},


%0 Journal Article
%T Photothermal impact on maize performance: a simulation approach
%A Bannayan Aval, Mohammad
%J Ecological Modelling
%@ 0304-3800
%D 2004
