Podoces, ( ISI ), Volume (2), No (2), Year (2008-7) , Pages (77-96)

Title : ( One Century of Breeding Bird Assessment by western travellers in Iran, 1876-1977 )

Authors: Roselaar , Mansour Aliabadian ,

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This article lists 99 articles on distribution of wild birds in Iran, which appeared between 1876 and 1977 and which were published by authors writing in European languages. Each paper has a reference number and is supplied with annotations, giving the localities and time of year where the bird observations had been made. These localities are also listed on a separate website (www.wesca.net/podoces/podoces.html), supplied with coordinates and the reference number. With help of these coordinates and the original publications an historical atlas of bird distribution in Iran can be made. A few preliminary examples of such maps are included. Many authors also collected bird specimens in Iran, either to support their identifications or in order to enravel subspecies taxonomy of the birds of Iran. The more important natural history museums containing study specimens from Iran are listed.


, Iran, Zarudnyi, Koelz, birds, gazetteer, literature, Passer, Podoces, Sitta.
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Roselaar and Aliabadian, Mansour},
title = {One Century of Breeding Bird Assessment by western travellers in Iran, 1876-1977},
journal = {Podoces},
year = {2008},
volume = {2},
number = {2},
month = {July},
issn = {1735-6725},
pages = {77--96},
numpages = {19},
keywords = {Iran; Zarudnyi; Koelz; birds; gazetteer; literature; Passer; Podoces; Sitta.},


%0 Journal Article
%T One Century of Breeding Bird Assessment by western travellers in Iran, 1876-1977
%A Roselaar
%A Aliabadian, Mansour
%J Podoces
%@ 1735-6725
%D 2008
