Title : ( Identification and Categorization of related works in the Persian Bibliographic Universe: a FRBR Approach )
Authors: Sholeh Arastoopoor , Rahmatollah Fattahi ,Abstract
Defining the relations between entities in the bibliographic universe aims at effective document description and access through collocating objects logically. Developing conceptual models such as FRBR, FRAD etc. or revising pervious and developing new codes such as AACRII or RDA have the same aim. Proliferation of works and their related entities in the Persian bibliographic universe is seen mostly in the fields of Literature or Religion. Studies show that relations among the different types of entities in these families have two patterns: Derivative and descriptive relationships (usually in the Literature and theology respectively). Based on the FRBR model and taking two typical examples of these families in the Persian language (Shahnamah [Book of Kings] and the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Koran\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\") into account, it seems that derivative pattern leads to Work–Expression and Descriptive pattern leads to Work–Work Relations. The point is that attributes describing a work in FRBR is less in number than other entities and although RDA defines a distinct relation between works and expressions, leaves work-Work relation unclear. This paper attempts to identify the related bibliographic entities in the light of FRBR through analyzing their relationships in the Persian bibliographic universe. It also aims to categorize the types of entities in the hierarchy of the Persian bibliographic universe. According to the entities\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' attributes and their relations, some additional remarks will be made upon current codes (AACR and RDA). The categorization of entities will help develop better rules for description and access. Also identification and normalization of the names applying to different types of related works will help restructuring uniform titles which in turn will lead to more effective collocation and display of related works.
, Bibliographic Universe, Persian works, Related works, Categorization of bibliographic entities, FRBR, RDA, AACR2@inproceedings{paperid:1010539,
author = {Arastoopoor, Sholeh and Fattahi, Rahmatollah},
title = {Identification and Categorization of related works in the Persian Bibliographic Universe: a FRBR Approach},
booktitle = {IFLA World Library and Information Congress},
year = {2009},
location = {میلان, ITALY},
keywords = {Bibliographic Universe; Persian works; Related works; Categorization of bibliographic entities; FRBR; RDA; AACR2},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Identification and Categorization of related works in the Persian Bibliographic Universe: a FRBR Approach
%A Arastoopoor, Sholeh
%A Fattahi, Rahmatollah
%J IFLA World Library and Information Congress
%D 2009