Title : ( Causality between non-oil exports and GDP growths in Iran )
Authors: Naser Shahnoushi froshani ,Abstract
Applying Johansson’s multivariate procedure and vector error correction model to time series of 1967-2003, this study investigates the role of non-oil exports in growth of Iran economy. Results of this study showed that in short run, causality direction is from non-oil export growth to non-oil GDP and in long run this is expected to be reverse. Therefore, in short run, non oil export growth has a positive influence on non-oil GDP growth, whilst in long run, non-oil GDP growth has a positive influence on non-oil export growth and not vice versa. Thus, export supporting policies are expected to lead to increase export and GDP only in the short run.
, export-led growth, Johansson’s procedure, short and long run causality, Iran@inproceedings{paperid:1010658,
author = {Shahnoushi Froshani, Naser},
title = {Causality between non-oil exports and GDP growths in Iran},
booktitle = {EcoMod2009 conference},
year = {2009},
keywords = {export-led growth; Johansson’s procedure; short and long run causality; Iran},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Causality between non-oil exports and GDP growths in Iran
%A Shahnoushi Froshani, Naser
%J EcoMod2009 conference
%D 2009