Computers And Geotechnics, ( ISI ), Volume (36), No (7), Year (2009-9) , Pages (1125-1133)

Title : ( Prediction of pile settlement using artificial neural networks based on standard penetration test data )

Authors: Fereydoon Pooya Nejad , M.B.Jaksa , Mohammad Reza Kakhi , B.A.Mccabe ,

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In recent years artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been applied to many geotechnical engineering problems with some degree of success. With respect to the design of pile foundations, accurate prediction of pile settlement is necessary to ensure appropriate structural and serviceability performance. In this paper, an ANN model is developed for predicting pile settlement based on the results of standard penetration test (SPT) data. Approximately, 1,000 data sets, obtained from the published literature, are used to develop the ANN model. In addition, the paper discusses the choice of input and internal network parameters which were examined to obtain the optimum model. Finally, the paper compares the predictions obtained by the ANN with those given by a number of traditional methods. It is demonstrated that the ANN model out performs the traditional methods and provides accurate pile settlement predictions.


, pile load test, pile foundation, settlement, neural networks
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author = {Pooya Nejad, Fereydoon and M.B.Jaksa and Kakhi, Mohammad Reza and B.A.Mccabe},
title = {Prediction of pile settlement using artificial neural networks based on standard penetration test data},
journal = {Computers And Geotechnics},
year = {2009},
volume = {36},
number = {7},
month = {September},
issn = {0266-352x},
pages = {1125--1133},
numpages = {8},
keywords = {pile load test; pile foundation; settlement; neural networks},


%0 Journal Article
%T Prediction of pile settlement using artificial neural networks based on standard penetration test data
%A Pooya Nejad, Fereydoon
%A M.B.Jaksa
%A Kakhi, Mohammad Reza
%A B.A.Mccabe
%J Computers And Geotechnics
%@ 0266-352x
%D 2009
