International Conference of Mechanical Engineering-ISME 2003 , 2003-05-13

Title : ( Influence of Residual stress on the fracture behaviour of an Aluminium alloy )

Authors: A H Mahmoudi , Saeid Hadidi Moud , CE Truman , D J Smith ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Influence of residual stresses on fracture response of an Aluminum alloy is investigated. Cylindrical flat ended punching tools are employed to introduce residual stresses on 15mm thick C(T) specimens. The residual stress field resulting from Local Compression is simulated and analysed using a finite element analysis. The dependence of residual stress field on the size as well as the relative position of the punching tools to the crack tip is also investigated by performing a parametric study. The effect of residual stress on the subsequent fracture response of Aluminum specimens under mode Ι loading is explored by performing an experimental programme. The scatter of fracture toughness results compared for specimens with and without residual stress. The results show a remarkable reduction in fracture toughness following local compression of the specimens.


, Residual stress, local compression, punching, and fracture toughness
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {A H Mahmoudi and Hadidi Moud, Saeid and CE Truman and D J Smith},
title = {Influence of Residual stress on the fracture behaviour of an Aluminium alloy},
booktitle = {International Conference of Mechanical Engineering-ISME 2003},
year = {2003},
location = {IRAN},
keywords = {Residual stress; local compression; punching; and fracture toughness},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Influence of Residual stress on the fracture behaviour of an Aluminium alloy
%A A H Mahmoudi
%A Hadidi Moud, Saeid
%A CE Truman
%A D J Smith
%J International Conference of Mechanical Engineering-ISME 2003
%D 2003
