Iranian Journal crystallography and mineralogy- بلور شناسی و کانی شناسی ایران, Volume (12), No (1), Year (2004-1) , Pages (105-128)

Title : ( Kyanite In Thermal Aureoles )

Authors: Seyed Massoud Homam , . M. P. Atherton , A. P. Boyle ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Abstract: Different models are discussed to interpret the presence of kyanite as a stable phase in contact aureoles especially in the andalusite-, sillimanite-bearing aureoles. In such aureoles the polymorphic sequence kyanite→andalusite→sillimanite can be explained in terms of an essentially isobaric path during which kyanite initially crystallises from the breakdown of pyrophyllite or more likely muscovite + chlorite beneath the pressure of the triple point (3-4 kbar 10-14 km depth), followed by andalusite and sillimanite crystallisation. The sequence kyanite-sillimanite and/or fibrolite can be seen in thermal aureoles subjected to isobaric metamorphism above the triple Al2SiO5 point (5-8 kbar 17-28 km depth). The absence of kyanite in some thermal aureoles can be explained on the basis of either compositional constraint or overstepping of low-temperature reactions due to high heating rates


, Kyanite, Aluminium silicates, contact aureole
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Homam, Seyed Massoud and . M. P. Atherton and A. P. Boyle},
title = {Kyanite In Thermal Aureoles},
journal = {Iranian Journal crystallography and mineralogy- بلور شناسی و کانی شناسی ایران},
year = {2004},
volume = {12},
number = {1},
month = {January},
issn = {1561-6290},
pages = {105--128},
numpages = {23},
keywords = {Kyanite; Aluminium silicates; contact aureole},


%0 Journal Article
%T Kyanite In Thermal Aureoles
%A Homam, Seyed Massoud
%A . M. P. Atherton
%A A. P. Boyle
%J Iranian Journal crystallography and mineralogy- بلور شناسی و کانی شناسی ایران
%@ 1561-6290
%D 2004
