28th International Horticultural Congress , 2010-08-22

Title : ( Control of Potato Sprouting Using Natural Compounds )

Authors: Majid Azizi , seydeh zeynab ghazi motlagh , mina momayyezi , Mahdiyeh Kharrazi , shadan khorshidi ,

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In order to study potato sprouting behavior after using natural compounds and extending potato storage life, an experiment was conducted in research laboratory of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. “Aula” cultivar was used in this study. Treatments included using Black zira (Bunium persicum) and Clove (Eugenia caryophyllata) essential oils (EO) in five concentrations (0, 25, 50, 100, and 150 ppm) by two methods (fumigation and submerging). Potato tuber weight, number of sprouts per tuber, fresh and dry weight of sprout, weight loss percentage, infection severity and tuber quality were determined initially and after storage time. The experiments were conducted in glass jar (3 L) during 50 days in room temperature (25±1 ºC). Results showed that the lowest weight loss (0.94% w/w) occurred in the treatment of 100 ppm Black zira EO by the method of fumigation and the highest weightloss occurred in control (4.75% w/w). The highest dry weight of sprout was obtained in the treatment of 25 ppm Black zira EO by method of submerging (0.92g/ tuber) whereas the lowest dry weight of sprout was obtained in the treatment of 150 ppm Black zira EO by the method of fumigation(0.09g/tuber). The best quality of tubers obtained in the treatment of 25 ppm Black zira EO by the method of fumigation. The highest infected tuber was occurred in control (60.73%) and the lowest one was occurred in treated tuber with 50 ppm Black zira EO via the method of submerging (8.88%). In conclusion the best treatment for prevention of potato tuber sprouting in storage is using Black zira essential oil by the method of fumigation.


Control of Potato Sprouting Using Natural Compounds
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Azizi, Majid and Ghazi Motlagh, Seydeh Zeynab and Momayyezi, Mina and Kharrazi, Mahdiyeh and Khorshidi, Shadan},
title = {Control of Potato Sprouting Using Natural Compounds},
booktitle = {28th International Horticultural Congress},
year = {2010},
location = {IRAN},
keywords = {Control of Potato Sprouting Using Natural Compounds},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Control of Potato Sprouting Using Natural Compounds
%A Azizi, Majid
%A Ghazi Motlagh, Seydeh Zeynab
%A Momayyezi, Mina
%A Kharrazi, Mahdiyeh
%A Khorshidi, Shadan
%J 28th International Horticultural Congress
%D 2010
