Title : ( study and comparing the land use and capability in asadly waetrshed using GIS )
Authors: H.M.Moradi , Ali mohammad Asaadi , M.Hossini ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
In order to determine optimum land uses and improve the current environmental management, land capability process was applied by GIS. Within the framework of system analysis approach basic ecological and socio-economic data were mapped. The mapped data were digitized and imported to Arc/Info. The process of geographic coordinates registration, building topology and editing the maps were done in Arc/Info. Then, to build a database, along with other descriptive data to Arc view. Then, in the analysis stage, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was prepared using contour map in Arc view. Based on that, slope, aspect and elevation maps were produced. In the middle stage of the analysis, environmental units map and units attribute table were made by overlying elevation, slope, aspect. Soil and vegetation cover in Arcview. Then, environmental units attribute table was completed by data in Arcview. By Iran ecological model in Arcview to using structured Query Language (SQL), each of environmental unit capability was determined and mapped for variant land use. Totally, this region is not ability degree 1and 2 for irrigation farming. Accordingly, 53.78% of the area basin is suitable for range management, and 28.75% for dry farming, and 11.79 for conservation, and 5.25% ability degree 3 for irrigation farming.
, Land Capability, AsadlyWatershed, GIS, Khorasan northerly.@inproceedings{paperid:1017379,
author = {H.M.Moradi and Asaadi, Ali Mohammad and M.Hossini},
title = {study and comparing the land use and capability in asadly waetrshed using GIS},
booktitle = {x.european ecological congress},
year = {2005},
location = {kusadasi},
keywords = {Land Capability; AsadlyWatershed; GIS; Khorasan northerly.},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%T study and comparing the land use and capability in asadly waetrshed using GIS
%A H.M.Moradi
%A Asaadi, Ali Mohammad
%A M.Hossini
%J x.european ecological congress
%D 2005