Journal of Immunology, ( ISI ), Volume (179), No (8), Year (2007-10) , Pages (5493-5503)

Title : ( Proteinase-activated receptor-2 exerts protective and pathogenic cell type-specific effects in Alzheimer\\\'s disease )

Authors: Amir Afkhami Goli , Farshid Noorbakhsh , Avril J. Keller , Nathalie Vergnolle , David Westaway , Jack H. Jhamandas , Patricia Andrade-Gordon , Morley D. Hollenberg , Hosseinali Arab , Richard H. Dyck , Christopher Power ,

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The proteinase-activated receptors (PARs) are a novel family of G protein-coupled receptors, and their effects in neurodegenerative diseases remain uncertain. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder defined by misfolded protein accumulation with concurrent neuroinflammation and neuronal death. We report suppression of proteinase-activated receptor-2 (PAR2) expression in neurons of brains from AD patients, whereas PAR2 expression was increased in proximate glial cells, together with up-regulation of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines and reduced IL-4 expression (p < 0.05). Glial PAR2 activation increased expression of formyl peptide receptor-2 (p < 0.01), a cognate receptor for a fibrillar 42-aa form of -amyloid (A1–42), enhanced microglia-mediated proinflammatory responses, and suppressed astrocytic IL-4 expression, resulting in neuronal death (p < 0.05). Conversely, neuronal PAR2 activation protected human neurons against the toxic effects of A1–42 (p < 0.05), a key component of AD neuropathogenesis. Amyloid precursor protein-transgenic mice, displayed glial fibrillary acidic protein and IL-4 induction (p < 0.05) in the absence of proinflammatory gene up-regulation and neuronal injury, whereas PAR2 was up-regulated at this early stage of disease progression. PAR2-deficient mice, after hippocampal A1–42 implantation, exhibited enhanced IL-4 induction and less neuroinflammation (p<0.05), together with improved neurobehavioral outcomes (p < 0.05). Thus, PAR2 exerted protective properties in neurons, but its activation in glia was pathogenic with secretion of neurotoxic factors and suppression of astrocytic anti-inflammatory mechanisms contributing to A1–42-mediated neurodegeneration.


, Proteinase, Activated Receptor, 2; Alzheimer’s Disease; , amyloid; neuroinflammation
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Afkhami Goli, Amir and Farshid Noorbakhsh and Avril J. Keller and Nathalie Vergnolle and David Westaway and Jack H. Jhamandas and Patricia Andrade-Gordon and Morley D. Hollenberg and Hosseinali Arab and Richard H. Dyck and Christopher Power},
title = {Proteinase-activated receptor-2 exerts protective and pathogenic cell type-specific effects in Alzheimer\\\'s disease},
journal = {Journal of Immunology},
year = {2007},
volume = {179},
number = {8},
month = {October},
issn = {0022-1767},
pages = {5493--5503},
numpages = {10},
keywords = {Proteinase-Activated Receptor-2; Alzheimer’s Disease; -amyloid; neuroinflammation},


%0 Journal Article
%T Proteinase-activated receptor-2 exerts protective and pathogenic cell type-specific effects in Alzheimer\\\'s disease
%A Afkhami Goli, Amir
%A Farshid Noorbakhsh
%A Avril J. Keller
%A Nathalie Vergnolle
%A David Westaway
%A Jack H. Jhamandas
%A Patricia Andrade-Gordon
%A Morley D. Hollenberg
%A Hosseinali Arab
%A Richard H. Dyck
%A Christopher Power
%J Journal of Immunology
%@ 0022-1767
%D 2007
