پژوهش علوم انسانی- Research Journal in Humanities, Volume (8), No (21), Year (2010-3) , Pages (75-90)

Title : ( The Emerging Social Critic: The Plays of Theodore Dreiser )

Authors: Rajabali Askarzadeh Torghabeh ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Theodore Dreiser is one of those great American novelists and playwrights who appeared in the world of drama in the first decades of the Twentieth century. His ideas on life, death and society are unique; and the way he treats poor and the abnormal, all provide very valuable insight into the works of such a great novelist and playwright. Dreiser’s drama is a very special one that criticizes the society and its laws for ignoring and not considering its own people. In his plays, Dreiser clearly shows how society is unjust, and how people are condemned and sacrificed in such a society.


, Keywords: American dramatic literature, social criticism, Theodore Dreiser.
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author = {Askarzadeh Torghabeh, Rajabali},
title = {The Emerging Social Critic: The Plays of Theodore Dreiser},
journal = {پژوهش علوم انسانی- Research Journal in Humanities},
year = {2010},
volume = {8},
number = {21},
month = {March},
issn = {2008-1162},
pages = {75--90},
numpages = {15},
keywords = {Keywords: American dramatic literature; social criticism; Theodore Dreiser.},


%0 Journal Article
%T The Emerging Social Critic: The Plays of Theodore Dreiser
%A Askarzadeh Torghabeh, Rajabali
%J پژوهش علوم انسانی- Research Journal in Humanities
%@ 2008-1162
%D 2010
