14th AAAP Animal Science Congress , 2010-08-23

Title : ( The Effect of Delayed in Ensiling and Dried Citrus Pulp, Dried Beet Sugar Pulp and Wheat Straw as Silage Additives on By-Products of Orange Silage )

Authors: S. Arbabi , T. Ghoorchi , Abbas Ali Naserian ,

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Silage of orange by-products(mainly the peel) is tested in micro-silos, carrying out and checking 4 treatments: addition of 5%(fresh weight) dried citrus pulp(DCP), of dried sugar beet pulp(DSP), of wheat straw(WS) in 2 different times(0, 72 h). CP, NDF, ADF, TVFA, WSC, aerobic stability and DM degradation each of treatments were determined after 60 days. The treated silages had no differences pH compared with control. The control group that was sealed immediately, had lower DM content compared with treated silages (p<0.05). Treated silage with WS had the highest content of ADF (p<0.05). NDF in the control silage and the treated silage with DCP was lower than the others (p<0.05) and amount of CP in the treated silage with DSP was more than others (p<0.05). WSC in treated silage with DCP and DSP were more than other samples (p<0.05). There are significant differences for the concentration of DDM, DE, ME, TDN in the silages. Treated silages with WS had lower contents than the others (p<0.05). The wilting before ensiling caused to increase aerobic stability in treated silages compared with untreated silages (p<0.05). Application of WS additive resulted the lowest degradation dry matter among the experimental additives (p<0.05).


, Key Words: Silage, By-products of orange, Degradability, Aerobic stability
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {S. Arbabi and T. Ghoorchi and Naserian, Abbas Ali},
title = {The Effect of Delayed in Ensiling and Dried Citrus Pulp, Dried Beet Sugar Pulp and Wheat Straw as Silage Additives on By-Products of Orange Silage},
booktitle = {14th AAAP Animal Science Congress},
year = {2010},
location = {تایوان},
keywords = {Key Words: Silage; By-products of orange; Degradability; Aerobic stability},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T The Effect of Delayed in Ensiling and Dried Citrus Pulp, Dried Beet Sugar Pulp and Wheat Straw as Silage Additives on By-Products of Orange Silage
%A S. Arbabi
%A T. Ghoorchi
%A Naserian, Abbas Ali
%J 14th AAAP Animal Science Congress
%D 2010
