British Association for Near Eastern Archaeology (BANEA) , 2003-01-09

Title : ( A new look at location of Parsua, Parsua(w)as and Parsumash )

Authors: Mohamad Taghi Imanpour ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Abstract: The Persian as a branch of Indo-Iranian arrive into western Iran by end of the second millennium BC. They entered written history when they collided with Assyrian Empire in West of Iran, as thy expanded increasingly into Zagrous Mountains. For the first time the name of Persians, Parsua is appearing in the annuals of the Assyrian kings Shalmanser III (858-824 BC) in 843 BC. The same Parsua also was a target of Campaigns in the reigns of Shanshi-Adad V( 823-811), Ass-Narari III (810-783), Tighlat-Plieser III ( 744-727) and Sargon II( 721-705). In Sargon \'s inscription the forms Parsu(w)ash and Parsumash occurs along with Parsua. The Long-standing suggestion that parsua. Parsu(w)ash and Parsuamash of the Assyrian texts represents the Persian is sound. What can no longer be accepted is that Parsua was located in south shores of lack Urmiya or there were two or thress groups of Persians that lived in different places in Zagrous in the north, central and southern Zagrous. However, by reviewing the previous discussion texts and other related documents in this paper will be tried to identify the location of Parsua. Parsu(w)ash and Parsuamash


, Parsua. Parsu(w)ash and Parsuamash, Assyrians, Zagrous, Medes
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Imanpour, Mohamad Taghi},
title = {A new look at location of Parsua, Parsua(w)as and Parsumash},
booktitle = {British Association for Near Eastern Archaeology (BANEA)},
year = {2003},
location = {Manchester, ENGLAND},
keywords = {Parsua. Parsu(w)ash and Parsuamash; Assyrians; Zagrous; Medes},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T A new look at location of Parsua, Parsua(w)as and Parsumash
%A Imanpour, Mohamad Taghi
%J British Association for Near Eastern Archaeology (BANEA)
%D 2003
