Title : Outbreaks of cardiomyopathy in lambe due to foot and mouth disease ( Outbreaks of cardiomyopathy in lambs due to foot and mouth disease )
Authors: Mohammad Reza Aslani , Ahmad Reza Movassaghi , Z. Naseri ,Abstract
Foot and mouth disease is a highly contagious viral disease of ruminants, caused by aphthovirus, Picornaviridae. The disese is clinically characterized by high fever, vesicle and ulcer in the oral cavity and interdigital space. Although the disease has largely controlled in cattle by vaccination in Iran, sheep popullation is still at risk and need more attention. During December 2006 to April 2007, 5 outbreaks of foot and mouth disease were diagnosed in Khorasan province with high mortality in lambs associated with cardiac lesions.There was no classic lesions of the disease in ewes. Short period of weakness, inappetance and cardiac arrhythmias followed by death in neonate lambs. Mortality rate was 7 to 34%. Post mortem examination revealed mottling of pericardium and endocardium and different degrees of mycardial cell necrosis. During winter, close contact of sheep and presence of susceptible lambs lead to oubreaks of the disease, mortality and economic loss .Frequent vaccination of sheep against foot and mouth disease as performed in cattle, may prevent the outbreks and mortality in lambs
Outbreaks of cardiomyopathy in lambs due to foot and mouth disease@inproceedings{paperid:102123,
author = {Aslani, Mohammad Reza and Movassaghi, Ahmad Reza and Z. Naseri},
title = {Outbreaks of cardiomyopathy in lambe due to foot and mouth disease},
booktitle = {؟؟},
year = {1989},
keywords = {Outbreaks of cardiomyopathy in lambs due to foot and mouth disease},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Outbreaks of cardiomyopathy in lambe due to foot and mouth disease
%A Aslani, Mohammad Reza
%A Movassaghi, Ahmad Reza
%A Z. Naseri
%J ؟؟
%D 1989