Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, ( ISI ), Volume (30), No (1), Year (2011-1) , Pages (45-52)

Title : ( Accuracy of scale models for flutter prediction of cross-ply laminated plates )

Authors: ali aminyazdi , Jalil Rezaee Pazhand ,

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This study demonstrates the applicability of the similitude theory and scaled models in the prediction of the flutter speed of cross-ply laminated plates subjected to supersonic flow. Such a study is important since it provides the necessary scaling laws and corresponding scale factors, which affect the accuracy of the scale models. In this study, based on structural similitude, the necessary scaling laws are derived using governing equations of the system. These scaling laws are employed to predict the flutter speed of the prototypes by projecting the flutter speed of the model. Both models with complete and partial similarities are discussed. Based on the results of this analytical study, for the special case of the ply level scaling, the complete similarity can be achieved. Furthermore, distorted models with different thicknesses, number of plies, material properties, and mode shapes than those of the prototypes are capable of predicting the flutter speeds of prototypes with good accuracy. The results of this study can be applied to the design of an accurate scale model for flutter analysis of composite plates.


, similitude, cross-ply laminate, flutter, scaling laws, scaled model
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author = {Aminyazdi, Ali and Rezaee Pazhand, Jalil},
title = {Accuracy of scale models for flutter prediction of cross-ply laminated plates},
journal = {Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites},
year = {2011},
volume = {30},
number = {1},
month = {January},
issn = {0731-6844},
pages = {45--52},
numpages = {7},
keywords = {similitude; cross-ply laminate; flutter; scaling laws; scaled model},


%0 Journal Article
%T Accuracy of scale models for flutter prediction of cross-ply laminated plates
%A Aminyazdi, Ali
%A Rezaee Pazhand, Jalil
%J Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites
%@ 0731-6844
%D 2011
