CrystEngComm, ( ISI ), Volume (13), No (13), Year (2011-2) , Pages (3710-3717)

Title : ( C–H/p synthon repetitivity in coordination compounds, established from single-crystal and powder diffraction† )

Authors: Hamid Reza Khavasi , Alireza Salimi , Hossein Eshtiagh Hosseini , Mostafa M. Amini ,

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Three Hg(II) complexes, [HgCl2(L)2], 1, [HgBr2(L)2], 2, and [Hg2I4(L)2], 3, containing the flexible N-(2-pyrazine)-thiophene-3-acetamide ligand (L) have been prepared and crystal structures of these compounds have been elucidated by single crystal (L, 1 and 3) and powder (2) X-ray diffraction. The crystal structures are determined mostly by N–H/N/O classical hydrogen bonding interactions, but in all compounds, the hydrogen atoms of thiophene ring and/or of connecting CH2 are pointed toward the adjacent thiophene rings to generate C–H/p synthons that participate in additional stabilization of the crystal structures.


, Mercury, Hydrogen bonding, C-H...pi, Powder diffraction,
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Hamid Reza Khavasi and Salimi, Alireza and Eshtiagh Hosseini, Hossein and Mostafa M. Amini},
title = {C–H/p synthon repetitivity in coordination compounds, established from single-crystal and powder diffraction†},
journal = {CrystEngComm},
year = {2011},
volume = {13},
number = {13},
month = {February},
issn = {1466-8033},
pages = {3710--3717},
numpages = {7},
keywords = {Mercury; Hydrogen bonding; C-H...pi; Powder diffraction;},


%0 Journal Article
%T C–H/p synthon repetitivity in coordination compounds, established from single-crystal and powder diffraction†
%A Hamid Reza Khavasi
%A Salimi, Alireza
%A Eshtiagh Hosseini, Hossein
%A Mostafa M. Amini
%J CrystEngComm
%@ 1466-8033
%D 2011
