Title : ( Fuzzy modeling and simulation for lead removal using micellar-enhancedultrafiltration (MEUF) )
Authors: Bashir Rahmanian Hoseinabadi , Majid Pakizeh , morteza esfandyari , fazlollah heshmatnezhad , عبدالمجید مسکوکی ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
In the present paper, a three factor, three-level response surface design based on Box–Behnken design (BBD) was developed for maximizing lead removal from aqueous solution using micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration (MEUF). Due to extremely complexity and nonlinearity of membrane separation processes, fuzzy logic (FL) models have been driven to simulate MEUF process under a wide range of initial and hydrodynamic conditions. Instead of using mathematical model, fuzzy logic approach provides a simpler and easier approach to describe the relationships between the processing variables and the metal rejection and permeation flux. Statistical values, which quantify the degree of agreement between experimental observations and numerically calculated values, were found greater than 91% for all cases. The results show that predicted values obtained from the fuzzy model were in very good agreement with the reported experimental data.