Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Volume (4), No (3), Year (2005-10) , Pages (133-138)

Title : Effect of Aerobic Exercise training on Pulmonary Function and Tolerance of Activity in Asthmatic Patients ( Effect of Aerobic Exercise Training on Pulmonary Function and Tolerance of Activity in Asthmatic Patients )

Authors: Reza Farid , Farahzad Jabbari Azad , Ahmad Ebrahimi Atri , Mahmoud Baradaran Rahim , sghar Khaledan ، Mojtaba Talaei، Khoei ، Javad Ghafari ، and Ramin Ghasemi ,

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The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of a course of aerobic exercise on pulmonary function and tolerance of activity in asthmatic patients. Among the asthmatic patients، 36 patients (M= 16، F= 20) were chosen after clinical examinations، pulmonary function test، skin prick test (SPT) for aeroallergen and a six minute walk test (6MWT) on their own free will. A patient was said to have Exercise Induced Asthma (EIA) when he/she fulfilled the following criteria; (1) FEV1 < 80%، (2) 12% increase or more in FEV1 or PEF after short-acting ß2 agonist prescription and (3) 15% decrease in FEV1 or PEF after 6MWT with 70% or 80% of maximum heart rate. The patients were randomly put into two groups of case (M=8، F=10، Mean age=27) and control (M=8، F=10، Mean age=29). Case group participated in eight-week aerobic exercise plan، while control group had no plan of exercise. Pulmonary function tests were done before and after the course of exercise. There were significant changes in FEV1، FVC، PEF، FEF25-75%، MVV، RF and 6MWT between asthmatic patients of the two groups (P≤0.05)، but FEV1/FVC showed no significant change. Mean of changes in FEV1، FVC، PEF، FEF25-75%، MVV، RF and 6MWT were –25.56، -17.19، 32.09، -27.93، -22.18، 5.63 and –307.5 in case group respectively while they were 6.2، 4.67، 1.96، 6.65، 15.56،-2.87 and 18.78 in the control group. This study shows that aerobic exercises in asthmatic patients lead to an improvement in pulmonary functions. Aerobic exercise rehabilitation can be a complement to medical treatment of asthma.


Aerobic exercise; Asthma; Pulmonary function test
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Reza Farid and Farahzad Jabbari Azad and Ebrahimi Atri, Ahmad and Mahmoud Baradaran Rahim and Sghar Khaledan ، Mojtaba Talaei، Khoei ، Javad Ghafari ، And Ramin Ghasemi},
title = {Effect of Aerobic Exercise training on Pulmonary Function and Tolerance of Activity in Asthmatic Patients},
journal = {Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology},
year = {2005},
volume = {4},
number = {3},
month = {October},
issn = {1735-1502},
pages = {133--138},
numpages = {5},
keywords = {Aerobic exercise; Asthma; Pulmonary function test},


%0 Journal Article
%T Effect of Aerobic Exercise training on Pulmonary Function and Tolerance of Activity in Asthmatic Patients
%A Reza Farid
%A Farahzad Jabbari Azad
%A Ebrahimi Atri, Ahmad
%A Mahmoud Baradaran Rahim
%A Sghar Khaledan ، Mojtaba Talaei، Khoei ، Javad Ghafari ، And Ramin Ghasemi
%J Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology
%@ 1735-1502
%D 2005
