Title : ( Lidar Remote Sensing for Forestry and Terrestrial Applications )
Authors: Alireza Faridhosseini , Ameneh Mianabadi , Amin Alizadeh , Mohammad Bannayan Aval ,Abstract
Remote sensing has facilitated extraordinary advances in modeling, mapping, and the understanding of ecosystems. Applications of remote sensing involve either images from passive optical systems, such as Aerial Photography and the Landsat Thematic Mapper, or, active Radar sensors such as RADARSAT. These types of remote sensors have proven to be satisfactory for many forest applications, such as mapping and classifying land cover into specific classes and, in some biomes, estimating aboveground biomass and Leaf Area Index (LAI). However, conventional sensors have significant limitations for ecological and forest applications. The sensitivity and accuracy of these devices have repeatedly been shown to fall with increasing aboveground biomass and LAI. They are also limited in their ability to represent the spatial patterns. They produce only two-dimensional (x & y) images, which cannot fully represent the three dimensional structure of the forest canopy. Ecologists have long understood that the presence of specific organisms and the overall richness of wildlife communities can be highly dependent on the threedimensional spatial pattern of vegetation. Individual bird species, in particular, are often associated with specific three dimensional features in riparian forests. Additionally, aspects of forests, such as productivity, may be related to forest canopy structure. Lidar (light detecting and ranging) is an alternative remote sensing technology that promises to both increase the accuracy of biophysical measurements and extend spatial analysis into the third dimension (z). Lidar sensors directly measure the three-dimensional distribution of forest canopies as well as sub-canopy topography, therefore providing high resolution topographic maps and highly accurate estimates of tree height cover, and canopy structure. In addition, lidar has been shown to accurately estimate LAI and aboveground biomass, even in those high biomass ecosystems, where passive optical and active radar sensors typically fail to do so. Estimation of forest structural attributes, such as LAI, is an important step in identifying the amount of water use in forest areas.
, Lidar, Canopy, Forest, Terrestrial, Airborne@article{paperid:1023159,
author = {Faridhosseini, Alireza and Mianabadi, Ameneh and Alizadeh, Amin and Bannayan Aval, Mohammad},
title = {Lidar Remote Sensing for Forestry and Terrestrial Applications},
journal = {Intenational journal of applied environmental sciences},
year = {2011},
volume = {6},
number = {1},
month = {May},
issn = {0973-6077},
pages = {99--114},
numpages = {15},
keywords = {Lidar; Canopy; Forest; Terrestrial; Airborne},
%0 Journal Article
%T Lidar Remote Sensing for Forestry and Terrestrial Applications
%A Faridhosseini, Alireza
%A Mianabadi, Ameneh
%A Alizadeh, Amin
%A Bannayan Aval, Mohammad
%J Intenational journal of applied environmental sciences
%@ 0973-6077
%D 2011