Title : ( Effect of High Field on Electron Mobility of InGaN )
Authors: Hadi Arabshahi , B. Mehr Motamedi ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
— Temperature and doping dependencies of electron mobility in InGaN structure has been calculated in steady-state and transient situation. The following scattering mechanisms, i.e, impurity, polar optical phonon and acoustic phonon are included in the calculation. The maximum electron mobility that is obtained at room temperature for 1022 m-3 donor concentration is 2.8×107cm/s. For high applied electric field, transient electron mobility shows a significant overshoot.
impurity; polar optical phonon; electron@article{paperid:1023606,
author = {Arabshahi, Hadi and B. Mehr Motamedi},
title = {Effect of High Field on Electron Mobility of InGaN},
journal = {International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology},
year = {2011},
volume = {1},
number = {7},
month = {September},
issn = {2221-8386},
pages = {76--79},
numpages = {3},
keywords = {impurity; polar optical phonon; electron},
%0 Journal Article
%T Effect of High Field on Electron Mobility of InGaN
%A Arabshahi, Hadi
%A B. Mehr Motamedi
%J International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology
%@ 2221-8386
%D 2011