5th OpenFOAM Workshop , 2010-06-21

Title : ( Numerical study of natural convection heat transfer to a cold horizontal cylinder above an adiabatic floor )

Authors: M. H. Sedaghat , A. Sarreshtehdari , Mohammad Javad Maghrebi , M. Yaghoubi ,

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Numerical study of natural convection heat transfer to a cold horizontal cylinder above an adiabatic floor, Poster presentation


natural convection; heat transfer; adiabatic floor
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author = {M. H. Sedaghat and A. Sarreshtehdari and Maghrebi, Mohammad Javad and M. Yaghoubi},
title = {Numerical study of natural convection heat transfer to a cold horizontal cylinder above an adiabatic floor},
booktitle = {5th OpenFOAM Workshop},
year = {2010},
location = {Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden},
keywords = {natural convection; heat transfer; adiabatic floor},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Numerical study of natural convection heat transfer to a cold horizontal cylinder above an adiabatic floor
%A M. H. Sedaghat
%A A. Sarreshtehdari
%A Maghrebi, Mohammad Javad
%A M. Yaghoubi
%J 5th OpenFOAM Workshop
%D 2010
