Title : ( Ultra-strong, well-apodized Bragg gratings in chalcogenide rib waveguides )
Authors: Mehrdad Shokooh-Saremi , V. G. Ta’eed , I. C. M. Littler , D. J. Moss , B. J. Eggleton , Y. Ruan , B. Luther-Davies ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
The first ultra-strong, near-perfect, raised-apodised Bragg gratings in As2S3 chalcogenide rib waveguides using l¼532 nm light and a modified Sagnac holographic writing setup are demonstrated. Good agreement is achieved between the experimental results and the numerical modelling of the gratings using the transfer matrix analysis for thin film structures.
, Bragg gratings, chalcogenide glass, interferometric writing@article{paperid:1024423,
author = {Shokooh-Saremi, Mehrdad and V. G. Ta’eed and I. C. M. Littler and D. J. Moss and B. J. Eggleton and Y. Ruan and B. Luther-Davies},
title = {Ultra-strong, well-apodized Bragg gratings in chalcogenide rib waveguides},
journal = {Electronics Letters},
year = {2005},
volume = {41},
number = {13},
month = {June},
issn = {0013-5194},
pages = {21--22},
numpages = {1},
keywords = {Bragg gratings; chalcogenide glass; interferometric writing},
%0 Journal Article
%T Ultra-strong, well-apodized Bragg gratings in chalcogenide rib waveguides
%A Shokooh-Saremi, Mehrdad
%A V. G. Ta’eed
%A I. C. M. Littler
%A D. J. Moss
%A B. J. Eggleton
%A Y. Ruan
%A B. Luther-Davies
%J Electronics Letters
%@ 0013-5194
%D 2005