Optics Letters, ( ISI ), Volume (30), No (21), Year (2005-11) , Pages (2900-2902)

Title : ( Integrated all-optical pulse regenerator in chalcogenide waveguides )

Authors: V. G. Ta'eed , Mehrdad Shokooh-Saremi , L. Fu , D. J. Moss , M. Rochette , I. C. M. Littler , B. J. Eggleton , Y. Ruan , B. Luther-Davies ,

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We report a fully integrated, passive, all-optical regenerator capable of terabit per second operation, based on a highly nonlinear chalcogenide As2S3 glass rib waveguide followed by an integrated Bragg grating bandpass filter. We demonstrate a clear nonlinear power transfer curve with 1.4 ps optical pulses, capable of improving the signal-to-noise ratio and reducing the bit error rate for digital signals.


, 050.2770, 070.4340, 130.3120, 230.1150
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {V. G. Ta'eed and Shokooh-Saremi, Mehrdad and L. Fu and D. J. Moss and M. Rochette and I. C. M. Littler and B. J. Eggleton and Y. Ruan and B. Luther-Davies},
title = {Integrated all-optical pulse regenerator in chalcogenide waveguides},
journal = {Optics Letters},
year = {2005},
volume = {30},
number = {21},
month = {November},
issn = {0146-9592},
pages = {2900--2902},
numpages = {2},
keywords = {050.2770; 070.4340; 130.3120; 230.1150},


%0 Journal Article
%T Integrated all-optical pulse regenerator in chalcogenide waveguides
%A V. G. Ta'eed
%A Shokooh-Saremi, Mehrdad
%A L. Fu
%A D. J. Moss
%A M. Rochette
%A I. C. M. Littler
%A B. J. Eggleton
%A Y. Ruan
%A B. Luther-Davies
%J Optics Letters
%@ 0146-9592
%D 2005
