Journal of Solution Chemistry, ( ISI ), Volume (40), No (11), Year (2011-11) , Pages (1905-1931)

Title : ( Multi-spectroscopic Investigations of Aspirin and Colchicine Interactions with Human Hemoglobin: Binary and Ternary Systems )

Authors: Hamideh Sanei , Ahmad Asoodeh , Shirin Hamedakbari-Tusi , Jamshidkhan Chamani ,

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The interactions of colchicine (COL) and aspirin (ASA) with human hemoglobin (HB) was studied by fluorescence, UV/vis absorption, resonance light scattering, synchronous fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopic techniques under physiological conditions. The inherent binding information, including the quenching mechanism, binding constants, number of binding sites, effective quenching constant, fraction of the initial fluorescence and thermodynamic parameters were determined by the fluorescence quenching technique at different temperatures. The results proved that the mechanism of fluorescence quenching of HB by COL and ASA is due to formation of HB–drug complexes in the binary and ternary systems. The distance between the acceptor drugs and HB was estimated by Förster’s equation on the basis of fluorescence energy transfer. In addition, according to the synchronous fluorescence spectra of HB, the results showed that the fluorescence quenching of HB originated solely from the tryptophan residues and indicated a conformational change for HB caused by addition of the drugs. Far-UV CD spectra of HB were recorded before and after the addition of ASA and COL both as binary and ternary systems. An increase in intensity of the positive CD peak of HB was observed in the presence of these drugs. The results were interpreted as excited state interactions between the aromatic residues of the HB binding sites and the drugs bound to them.


Human hemoglobin · Aspirin · Colchicine · Quenching · RLS · Circular dichroism
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Hamideh Sanei and Asoodeh, Ahmad and Shirin Hamedakbari-Tusi and Jamshidkhan Chamani},
title = {Multi-spectroscopic Investigations of Aspirin and Colchicine Interactions with Human Hemoglobin: Binary and Ternary Systems},
journal = {Journal of Solution Chemistry},
year = {2011},
volume = {40},
number = {11},
month = {November},
issn = {0095-9782},
pages = {1905--1931},
numpages = {26},
keywords = {Human hemoglobin · Aspirin · Colchicine · Quenching · RLS · Circular dichroism},


%0 Journal Article
%T Multi-spectroscopic Investigations of Aspirin and Colchicine Interactions with Human Hemoglobin: Binary and Ternary Systems
%A Hamideh Sanei
%A Asoodeh, Ahmad
%A Shirin Hamedakbari-Tusi
%A Jamshidkhan Chamani
%J Journal of Solution Chemistry
%@ 0095-9782
%D 2011
