Title : ( Phase-shifted resonance Bragg gratings in chalcogenide rib waveguides )
Authors: Mehrdad Shokooh-Saremi , V. G. Ta’eed , I.C.M. Littler , D. J. Moss , B. J. Eggleton , Y. Ruan , B. Luther-Davies ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
We demonstrate the strong apodized Bragg gratings reported to date (corresponding to δn ≈ 0.01) as well as the first phase-shifted gratings, in As2S3 chalcogenide rib waveguides using λ=532nm light and a modified-Sagnac interferometer.
, Bragg gratng, chalcogenide glass, waveguides@inproceedings{paperid:1024573,
author = {Shokooh-Saremi, Mehrdad and V. G. Ta’eed and I.C.M. Littler and D. J. Moss and B. J. Eggleton and Y. Ruan and B. Luther-Davies},
title = {Phase-shifted resonance Bragg gratings in chalcogenide rib waveguides},
booktitle = {OSA Topical Meeting on Bragg Grating, Poling and Photosensitivity (BGPP},
year = {2005},
location = {Sydney, AUSTRALIA},
keywords = {Bragg gratng; chalcogenide glass; waveguides},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Phase-shifted resonance Bragg gratings in chalcogenide rib waveguides
%A Shokooh-Saremi, Mehrdad
%A V. G. Ta’eed
%A I.C.M. Littler
%A D. J. Moss
%A B. J. Eggleton
%A Y. Ruan
%A B. Luther-Davies
%J OSA Topical Meeting on Bragg Grating, Poling and Photosensitivity (BGPP
%D 2005