Acta Horticulturae, Year (2006-3) , Pages (337-337)

Title : Somaclonal variation induced De novo leaf chimeric mutants during In vitro propagation of African violet( Saintpaulia ionantha Wendl ( Somaclonal variation induced De novo leaf chimeric mutants during In vitro propagation of African violet( Saintpaulia ionantha Wendl )

Authors: - - , Ali Tehranifar , نادری , احمد خلیقی ,

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Somaclonal variation induced De novo leaf chimeric mutants during In vitro propagation of African violet( Saintpaulia ionantha Wendl


Somaclonal variation induced De novo leaf chimeric mutants during In vitro propagation of African violet( Saintpaulia ionantha Wendl
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = { -, - and Tehranifar, Ali and نادری and احمد خلیقی},
title = {Somaclonal variation induced De novo leaf chimeric mutants during In vitro propagation of African violet( Saintpaulia ionantha Wendl},
journal = {Acta Horticulturae},
year = {2006},
month = {March},
issn = {0567-7572},
pages = {337--337},
numpages = {0},
keywords = {Somaclonal variation induced De novo leaf chimeric mutants during In vitro propagation of African violet( Saintpaulia ionantha Wendl},


%0 Journal Article
%T Somaclonal variation induced De novo leaf chimeric mutants during In vitro propagation of African violet( Saintpaulia ionantha Wendl
%A -, -
%A Tehranifar, Ali
%A نادری
%A احمد خلیقی
%J Acta Horticulturae
%@ 0567-7572
%D 2006
