Fourth Group Theory Conference of Iran , 2012-03-07

Title : ( Bound for the index of the center of a group in n-isoclinism classes containing capable groups )

Authors: azam kaheni , Rasoul Hatamian , Saeed Kayvanfar ,

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A group G is said to be capable if it is isomorphic to the central factor group H/Z(H) for some group H. Podoski and Szegedy showed that the inequality [G : Z(G)]  n2 logn2 holds for a capable group G with finite derived subgroup of order n. In this paper, we introduce some classes of groups satisfying the above inequality.


, Capable group, n-isoclinism, Extra special p-group.
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Kaheni, Azam and Hatamian, Rasoul and Kayvanfar, Saeed},
title = {Bound for the index of the center of a group in n-isoclinism classes containing capable groups},
booktitle = {Fourth Group Theory Conference of Iran},
year = {2012},
location = {IRAN},
keywords = {Capable group; n-isoclinism; Extra special p-group.},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Bound for the index of the center of a group in n-isoclinism classes containing capable groups
%A Kaheni, Azam
%A Hatamian, Rasoul
%A Kayvanfar, Saeed
%J Fourth Group Theory Conference of Iran
%D 2012
