International Conference On Rrsrvoir Operation and River Management , 2005-09-17

Title : ( Evaluating the landslide and erosion hazards in the river banks of Sefidrud River )

Authors: G.H. Karami , Naser Hafezi Moghaddas ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


The Sefidrud River originates from west and northwest elevations of Iran and riches to the Caspian Sea. This river from Sefidrud Dam to Caspian Sea, which has about 120 km length, can be divided into three segments based on morphology. The first segment is about 41 km and lies in mountainous and rocky terrace, which includes narrow flood plain. In this portion the river channel is V-shaped with rocky rims. The river in the second segment has about 43 km length and flows in a relatively wide flood plain. In this part, the river has a braded-braded pattern and its bed is covered by coarse-grained deposits. The third portion of the river which is about 36 km in length includes flow over flood plain and delta deposits. In this segment, the river channel is meandering type and the meanders are interchanged latitudinal and longitudinal over the flood plain. In this study, based on field considerations such as man-made and machine-made boreholes and study of aerial photographs, the soil textures and river conditions in the above-mentioned segments have been studied and then areas with potential of sliding and erosion recognized


, Sefidrud, landslide, erosion, river, soil texture
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {G.H. Karami and Hafezi Moghaddas, Naser},
title = {Evaluating the landslide and erosion hazards in the river banks of Sefidrud River},
booktitle = {International Conference On Rrsrvoir Operation and River Management},
year = {2005},
location = {Guangzhou&Three Gorges,China, IRAN},
keywords = {Sefidrud; landslide; erosion; river; soil texture},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Evaluating the landslide and erosion hazards in the river banks of Sefidrud River
%A G.H. Karami
%A Hafezi Moghaddas, Naser
%J International Conference On Rrsrvoir Operation and River Management
%D 2005
