CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, ( ISI ), Volume (61), No (1), Year (2012-8) , Pages (107-110)

Title : ( An energy based analysis of broaching operation: Cutting forces and resultant surface integrity )

Authors: Hossam A. Kishawy , Ali Hosseini , Behnam Moetakef Imani , Viktor P. Astakhov ,

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As a single-pass machining operation, broaching is extensively used to produce simple and complicated profiles. Since a typical broaching tool includes roughing, semi-finishing and finishing teeth, its impact on the surface integrity is of prime interest. This paper presents an energy based analysis of the mechanics of cutting and the effects of successive teeth on the integrity of the machined surface. A cutting force model was developed and its authenticity was verified using the measured forces. The machined surfaces were used to study the effects of successive teeth on subsurface microhardness and subsurface microstructure.


Cutting Surface integrity Broaching