Title : ( Effect of Humic Acid on Nutrient Uptake and Physiological Characteristic Fragaria ananassa var: Camarosa )
Authors: Ali Tehranifar , Atefe Ameri ,Abstract
The investigation was carried out for evaluation effects of humic acid fertilizer on nutrient uptake (N, P, and K) and physiological characteristics of Fragaria ananassa var: Camarosa. Experiment treatments included different concentration of humic acid (0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 ppm) with two methods of application (fertigation and spray). Result of experiment showed that there is highest amount of N in fertigation in concentration of 20 ppm and there are highest of Phosphorus, potassium and amount of assimilation in concentration of 10 ppm. In spray method there are highest amount of N and chlorophyll in concentrations of 10 and 20 ppm and there is potassium in concentration of 10 ppm
, Humic acid, foliar application, strawberry, nutrient uptake, fertigation.@article{paperid:1029432,
author = {Tehranifar, Ali and Ameri, Atefe},
title = {Effect of Humic Acid on Nutrient Uptake and Physiological Characteristic Fragaria ananassa var: Camarosa},
journal = {Journal of Biological and Environmental Sciences},
year = {2012},
volume = {6},
number = {16},
month = {April},
issn = {1307-9530},
pages = {77--79},
numpages = {2},
keywords = {Humic acid; foliar application; strawberry; nutrient uptake; fertigation.},
%0 Journal Article
%T Effect of Humic Acid on Nutrient Uptake and Physiological Characteristic Fragaria ananassa var: Camarosa
%A Tehranifar, Ali
%A Ameri, Atefe
%J Journal of Biological and Environmental Sciences
%@ 1307-9530
%D 2012