Industrial Crops and Products, ( ISI ), Volume (43), No (127), Year (2013-5) , Pages (606-611)

Title : ( Radiation absorption and use efficiency of sesame as affected by biofertilizers in a low input cropping system )

Authors: Mohsen Jahan , Mehdi Nassiri Mahallati , mohamad behzad Amiri , hamidreza ehyaee ,

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A randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted in 2009-10 and 2010-11 growing seasons. Treatments were three different types of biofertilizers plus control, including 1-nitroxin (containing of Azotobacter sp. & Azospirillum sp.), 2- biophosphor (PSB, containing of phosphate solubilizing bacteria, Bacillus sp. & Pseudomonas sp.), 3- biosulfur (SSB, containing of Thiobacillus ssp.) and 4- control (no fertilizer). The results showed that application of biofertilizers resulted to 15 days shorter period to achieve maximum leaf area index and as a result, the maximum fraction of absorbed radiation and consequently sesame dry matter produced at the sixtieth day after emergence. Radiation use efficiency (RUE) in SSB and nitroxin was higher compared to control (1.31, 1.24 and 1.09 respectively) which resulted to highest biological and seed yield, seed oil and protein and harvest index. In this research, the total mean sesame RUE estimated of 1.19 g MJ-1 (R2=0.95).


, Oil seed crops, Biosulfur, Radiation use efficiency, Soil nutrient cycle, Ecological system.
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Jahan, Mohsen and Nassiri Mahallati, Mehdi and Amiri, Mohamad Behzad and Ehyaee, Hamidreza},
title = {Radiation absorption and use efficiency of sesame as affected by biofertilizers in a low input cropping system},
journal = {Industrial Crops and Products},
year = {2013},
volume = {43},
number = {127},
month = {May},
issn = {0926-6690},
pages = {606--611},
numpages = {5},
keywords = {Oil seed crops; Biosulfur; Radiation use efficiency; Soil nutrient cycle; Ecological system.},


%0 Journal Article
%T Radiation absorption and use efficiency of sesame as affected by biofertilizers in a low input cropping system
%A Jahan, Mohsen
%A Nassiri Mahallati, Mehdi
%A Amiri, Mohamad Behzad
%A Ehyaee, Hamidreza
%J Industrial Crops and Products
%@ 0926-6690
%D 2013
