International Congress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (ICNN2012) , 2012-09-08

Title : ( Experimental Study of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of a Car Radiator with CuO/Ethylene Glycol-Water as a Coolant )

Authors: samira khanesheshdar , motahare shokrgozar , Saeed Zeinali Heris ,

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In this paper the role of nanofluid has been studied as a cooling fluid in car radiator and its effects on heat transfer and pressure drop. Type of nano fluid which has been applied in this essay contains mixture of 60/40 etylen-glycol as base fluid and copper oxide nano particles(60 nm). Exprimental system has been designed similar to car cooling system and is a closed path contains, car radiator, fan, pump, heating reseve accomplished by heating elements, flow meter, thermocouple for temperature mesearment and barometer. Experiments have been performed variety of different volumetric concentrations(0.1-0.8 vol%) for different flow rats(4- 8lit/min) and for inlet flow temperature of 54oC to radiator. Exprimental results demonstrate that by adding nano particles to base fluid the radiator outlet temperature decreases.


, nanofluid, car radiator, heat transfer enhancement