Advances in Environmental Biology, ( ISI ), Volume (6), No (10), Year (2012-10) , Pages (2698-2703)

Title : ( Comparison of competitive State Anxiety among Elite and Non- Elite Badminton Players in Iran )

Authors: Hossein Soltani, , K. Surender Reddy , Seyyed Reza Attarzadeh Hosseini , syyed Bahador Zaki zadeh , Zahra Hojati , Sedigheh Sadat Hojati ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


ABSTRACT The present study compared the competitive state anxiety among elite and non- elite Badminton players in Iran. 30 athletes (15 elite badminton players and 15 non-elite badminton players in Iran) were the subjects of the study. The age of the athletes ranged between 19 and 27 years. All had been practicing their sport for 5-15 years. The research instrument employed was the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2). This inventory distributed among subjects about 30 minutes before the first competition. Test subjects were required to express their feelings at the moment without giving it much time. Finally, using one way ANOVA data was analyzed. Results showed that the level of competitive state anxiety among the elite and non- elite badminton players in Iran was not significant (P ≥0.05). There was no significant difference between the level of somatic anxiety and self confidence among elite and non-elite badminton players in Iran (P ≥0.05). On the contrast there was a significant difference between the level of somatic anxiety and training experience of elite and non-elite badminton players in Iran (p<0.05). Key words: Competitive State Anxiety, Elite and non-elite badminton Players.


, Key words: Competitive State Anxiety, Elite and non-elite badminton Players.